Blue Planet
Travel Banter
Travel Banter: 05.20.24

Travel Banter: 05.20.24

Lucayan Archipelago, gambling, dice, and well-dressed Bahamians...

We are in the Bahamas off-season. Beaches are empty, boats are sparse, and the cold beer is a little harder to find, but only a little.

We have to time our stops at restaurants as they may be closed early. And we may have to visit a couple before we find one that is open. But… It is all worth it when we make it to a beach devoid of anyone.


Blue Planet
Travel Banter
A podcast about travel, sailing, and adventure. Alex and I banter about what happened on our travels over the last week. We talk about places we visited, curiosities that we have seen, and people who we met along the way. We also invite people to join our chat and tell us about their adventures.