Blue Planet
Travel Banter
Travel Banter: Bahamian Festivals

Travel Banter: Bahamian Festivals

05.28.24. Bahamian festivals, Killer, cocktails, Johnny and local pizza...

Before we left Rat Cay, we stopped at a festival in Barraterry, Exumas. We missed the main festivities but learned a bit anyway.

At Rudder Cut Cay, we dove “The Paino and the Mermaid”, the underwater sculpture commissioned by David Copperfield.

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Then we moved onto Black Point where we met Killer and enjoyed some proper cocktails.

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Blue Planet
Travel Banter
A podcast about travel, sailing, and adventure. Alex and I banter about what happened on our travels over the last week. We talk about places we visited, curiosities that we have seen, and people who we met along the way. We also invite people to join our chat and tell us about their adventures.